Amplify Challenge

Celebrating 30 Day Challenge: Alexi’s Story

Alexi has just completed the August 30 Day Challenge at Studio Pilates Bathurst Street in Sydney’s CBD. She finished 3rd, completing 23 classes in 23 days (she missed a week of the Challenge due to a trip to New Zealand)! Here’s what she had to say about her 30 Day Challenge experience – 

Why did you decide to do the SP 30 Day Challenge? What was the trigger, the thing that motivated you to join the Studio Pilates 30 Day Challenge? 

I did the Challenge because I’ve been coming to Pilates for a little while already and I’d been pushing myself quite a bit, but it was a way for me to see just how much I could push myself! I wasn’t keeping myself accountable in terms of knowing how many classes I was doing per week, I was just doing the classes and coming because I love the workouts. It was nice to see the results!

Did you have a specific goal? 

I really wanted to do more than 20 classes!

What did you like best about the Challenge itself?

I really liked how engaged everyone was with it! It was cool to see people posting on Instagram and getting really hyped up about it. Ticking your name off the [attendance] list was really cool as well.

What were your challenges or struggles during the program? How did you overcome them?

I was actually away for a week, so that set me back for a bit! So I just managed to smash out a lot of classes in a short amount of time, which was awesome.

What was your biggest accomplishment by the end of the program?

Hitting as many classes as I did!

How has doing Studio Pilates changed you physically? And mentally?

Pilates has been embedded into my routine. Physically, I feel so much stronger and I started noticing improvements in my strength straight away which was really cool. I just noticed the results really quickly!

What would you say to people who haven’t experienced Studio Pilates yet? 

Anyone can do it! I’ve seen people of all fitness levels come [to Studio Pilates]. It really does cater for everyone and it’s the most universal way to move your body. It’s safe, but you can really push yourself!

Did you have any injuries or obstacles to overcome?

No current injuries but I have had injuries in the past which [can] still effect me in my exercise. But it hasn’t since I’ve been starting Pilates!