Studio Pilates Franchising

Are Pilates Studios Profitable?

are pilates studios profitable

So, are Pilates studios profitable? Pilates studios can be highly profitable when the right type of workout experience is combined with great value for money, and the studio is located in the right area or neighbourhood.

We have seen the global rise of boutique fitness centres over the last several years, as more and more consumers move away from the traditional gym scene and gravitate towards workouts that they actually enjoy, such as Pilates studio classes.

IBIS World* reports the American fitness industry generated over $10 billion annually with revenue growing at a rate of 9.2%. Given 19.7% of that revenue was derived specifically from Pilates classes, well, let’s just say there is a huge opportunity to run a successful business.

IBIS World* also reports that 16 million Americans regularly participate in Pilates classes.  This number has remained consistent over the last few years, highlighting the dependability and longevity of Pilates as a business. Pilates studios began nearly 100 years ago and are clearly here to stay.

Several variables determine the profitability of a Pilates studio. The largest of these is who is operating the business, their knowledge and business experience, and the quality of instructors involved in delivering classes. This, coupled with rental costs and wages, all factor into profitability.

The good thing about running a Pilates studio is that once it has been built and the Pilates equipment has been purchased (Pilates reformers etc), there are minimal overheads and operating costs, as most studios are purely service-based. This means there is no costly inventory to factor in!

If the owner of the business is the primary instructor in the business, then labour costs are negligible, further increasing the profitability of a Pilates studio.

Great systemisation in a Pilates studio business is essential. Systemisation can often be found by buying into a franchise network, as it often takes many years to learn what works and what doesn’t when it comes to business.  

If you’ve ever thought about opening a profitable Pilates studio, then consider investing in a Studio Pilates franchise. With exclusive territories on offer,  full business systemisation, comprehensive training and marketing plans and resources, a franchise provides a fast-tracked approach to profitability and business success.

Hopefully this answers your question, are Pilates studios profitable, for any further information visit or email

*Source – IBIS World – Pilates & Yoga Studios Industry Report 2016, 2019 USA