28 February 2022
Studio Pilates


The last few years have made us question and reevaluate many aspects of our lives, but none more so than our careers. With many opting to leave the traditional 9-5 in search of more flexibility, meaning and professional purpose, franchising is fast becoming a popular option to consider.


From fast returns on investment to the opportunity to be your own boss, here are 5 benefits of owning a Studio Pilates franchise that will also help you turn your passion into profits.


You’re Buying A Proven Formula 


Starting a new business comes with a myriad of risks, but the beauty of a franchise is you’re buying a proven formula, which helps mitigate most of the risk. The Studio Pilates franchise model has a hugely successful proven track record, with over 50% of current franchisees owning more than one studio - quite often bought in quick succession - thanks to the rapid payback period franchisees get from their initial investment.


Instant Brand Recognition 


Rather than starting a business from scratch and having to build brand reputation from the ground up, buying a franchise that has existing recognition in the industry also means having an existing and established client base. With 63 studios globally and 100 expected to open and operational by the end of 2022, Studio Pilates is already a trusted voice in the space with a fiercely loyal client base and strong retention rates.


No Experience Necessary 


With no business experience prior to starting Studio Pilates themselves, the co-founders worked extensively to build a franchise model that didn’t require any prior knowledge or experience. The turnkey business model has stringent systems in place, including centralized bookkeeping and cloud based accounting takes so much time and pressure off. This is one of the reasons Studio Pilates attracts franchisees from all walks of life from fitness instructors who want to leverage their passions, right through to corporate CEOs who are simply looking to expand their investment portfolios.


Be Your Own Boss 


Ask any franchise owner why they decided to acquire a business, and majority of them will say to give themselves the opportunity to be their own boss. Whether you’re a working parent who wants the flexibility of school drop off and pick up or you’re a born leader who has hit a plateau working in a traditional, corporate structure, as a franchise owner, you have complete control over how far you want to take the company and how much time and support you want to invest.


Training And Support 


The key to success is to never stop learning, and buying a franchise comes with ongoing training and support in all aspects of business including marketing, sales, operations and recruitment. Studio Pilates has an international business and operations support team to provide support and guidance to franchisees globally.


So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to turn your passion into profit!


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