Health and Fitness

How to get the most out of the Amplify Challenge

We’ve all heard the saying fail to prepare, prepare to fail, and that is especially true when it comes to any kind of fitness challenge. With the Amplify Challenge now upon us, we wanted to help set you up for success with some tips and tricks on how to get the most out of the Amplify Challenge.


Here’s how to get the most out of the Amplify Challenge. Tick each point off as you go. 


  • Download the Studio Pilates Amplify App in the App Store. This will be your bible and point of truth over the next few weeks and is where you can access the delicious and nutritious meal plans, community support groups, partner offers and more
  • Set yourself a SMART goal (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic & timely) that will help you stay accountable throughout the duration of the challenge. The key to setting a goal is to be as specific as possible, so instead of saying “I want to get stronger” try instead saying “I want to increase my springs during the ab series from 1.5 kgs to 2kgs by the end of the challenge” or “I want to increase my weekly number of classes from 2 to 3 for the whole challenge”
  • Book in for all your classes at the beginning of each week so you don’t accidentally double book yourself. Schedule your workouts in your diary or calendar like you would a work meeting to hold yourself accountable. You wouldn’t cancel a meeting with your boss would you? 
  • Enlist a friend to do the challenge with! Whether it’s a friend or colleague, or simply a familiar face you see in the studio, there really is strength in numbers! You’re far less likely to hit snooze and cancel a morning workout if there’s someone you promised you’d meet there


Remember, this challenge is designed to help you create healthy habits that will last long after the challenge is over!