Health and Fitness

What is ‘Tech Neck’ and How Can You Prevent It

In a world where we spend more time than ever before, sitting at a desk in front of a computer or scrolling through our phones, more of us are at risk of developing muscular and postural problems, including what’s commonly referred to by health practitioners including chiropractors and physiotherapists ‘tech neck’. We caught up with physiotherapist and Studio Pilates Brisbane CBD studio owner Danielle Taylor about some of the most common issues she sees from desk workers, and how Pilates can help correct and even prevent them. 


What are some of the most common muscular or postural issues you see in desk workers? 

  1. Neck and back pain, also referred to as ‘tech neck’
  2. Disc injuries from cervical/lumbar flexion (spinal problems)
  3. Elbow tendinopathy from using the mouse 
  4. Patella-femoral pain (knee pain) from prolonged periods of sitting 


What areas of the body are generally particularly tight?

For the most part, desk workers spend the majority of their time sitting down and because the body is in the same position for a prolonged period of time, it causes tightness in the hip flexors and hamstrings in the legs as well as scalenes in the neck, pectoral muscles and wrists. 


What areas of the body are weak or underused? 

Again for the same reason (being the body being in a prolonged period of sitting) there are a lot of muscles, which can tend to be weak because of underuse including the glutes, deep neck flexors, back muscles and the core muscles. 


How can Pilates help alleviate any of these issues? 

Pilates is the perfect form of exercise for desk workers, because it corrects muscular imbalances and strengthens the whole body from head to toe with a special focus on the core. It will also improve spinal mobility and enhance postural awareness. 


How many times a week is ideal to do Pilates?

Three classes a week (or more) is ideal and you’ll notice an improvement in strength. It also encourages regular movement.