Pregnancy and Post-Natal

Less Than 14 Weeks Pregnant at the Time of the  Course

Congratulations on your pregnancy! As you will be less than 14 weeks pregnant by the time your practical course dates come along, it is completely fine for you to still attend the training. We usually don’t recommend that anyone completes the training past 14 weeks because at this point, you unfortunately won’t be able to perform 75% of the exercises and won’t get as much out of the learning. However given that you will be less than 14 weeks, you should be completely fine! There will, however, still be a small number of exercises that you won’t perform on the course.

If you are finding your first trimester challenging with sickness and nausea and would prefer to complete the training at a later date, you always have the option to reschedule your course date. Note: if rescheduling within 6 weeks of the course, there are reschedule fees. You can reschedule your course at any time by via your MyPortal.

We would also encourage you to let your course facilitator know that you are pregnant once you arrive at the face to face course. Just so we can make sure that you are not performing those few exercises not recommended for anyone at your stage of pregnancy

More Than 14 Weeks Pregnant at the Time of the Course

As you will be more than 14 weeks pregnant by the time your practical course dates come along, you would unfortunately need to reschedule your course date to after you have given birth. Once you are past 14 weeks, unfortunately you are not able to complete 75% of the exercises in the course. In the past, when we did allow pregnant women to complete the training past 14 weeks, the feedback we received was that the ladies wished they had waited and completed the training after giving birth so that they could have gotten more out of the training. We know that it can be frustrating to push back your training dates, however the good news is that you should hopefully get so much more out of the course by waiting.

You can reschedule your course at any time by via your MyPortal.


To participate in the face to face component of all courses, you must be able to physically complete a minimum of 3/4 of the course repertoire. For this reason, we advise post-natal women to wait at least 6 weeks post birth before participating in the face to face components of the courses.

If you experience any complications from your pregnancy such as abdominal separation (Rectus Diastasis) or Pelvic Floor issues, you may need to wait longer than this and be guided by your health professional.

For breastfeeding mothers attending face to face courses, please note that you are not able to bring your baby into the course. However you can express during the course or meet your baby outside for feeding. Breaks for the course occur at set times and any feeding or expressing will need to occur during these set breaks. Unfortunately there are no specific facilities for feeding, expressing or storing milk at the course venues.