Health and Fitness

Balancing Giving ‘Instagrammable’ Exercises vs Functional Exercises

In today’s digital age, social media, particularly platforms like Instagram, play a pivotal role in shaping fitness trends. As Pilates instructors, we may find our clients yearning to emulate the picturesque, gravity-defying moves they spot on their social media feeds. But how do we strike a balance between offering these ‘cool’ looking exercises and the more traditional, functional Pilates movements that have stood the test of time? Let’s delve into this intricate balance of aesthetics versus efficacy.


There’s no denying it – some Pilates exercises look incredibly impressive on camera. The high leg lifts, the deep backbends, and the dynamic moves on the Reformer can be visually captivating. These exercises, often labelled as ‘Instagrammable’, are appealing because –

Visual Impact: They’re often more dramatic in appearance, making them perfect for social media snippets.

Sense of Achievement: For clients, mastering such a move can feel like a significant accomplishment, akin to achieving a challenging yoga pose or lifting a personal best in weightlifting.


However, Pilates, at its core, isn’t about showmanship. Joseph Pilates designed this method to be a holistic approach to physical wellness, focusing on –

Core Strength: Traditional exercises often hone in on the powerhouse of the body, ensuring stability and balance.

Flexibility: Rather than just high leg lifts, Pilates emphasises overall flexibility, ensuring each joint maintains its range of motion.

Body Awareness: The essence of Pilates lies in proprioception and being attuned to one’s body alignment and posture.


As instructors, it’s our responsibility to navigate the delicate balance between meeting our clients’ desires and ensuring their physical well-being. Here’s how we can do it:

Educate: Start by explaining the benefits of foundational Pilates exercises. While they might not always be flashy, their impact on the body is profound.

Prioritise Safety: Remember, not every client will be ready for the more dramatic moves they see on social media. Always ensure that exercises are suited to an individual’s fitness level.

Stay Updated: The world of Pilates is ever-evolving. By continually updating our knowledge, attending new courses and upskilling, we can stay attuned to both trends and best practices.

While the call of ‘Instagrammable’ Pilates moves can be strong, our primary allegiance as instructors should always be to the well-being of our clients and ensuring that we are providing effective workouts which don’t just offer ‘pretty’ or ‘aesthetic’ moves, but exercises which are effective and functional.