Exercise Spotlight

Mastering the Jacknife: Benefits and Muscle Engagement

The Pilates repertoire boasts a diverse range of exercises, each designed to enhance strength, flexibility, and body awareness. Among these, the Jacknife stands out as a challenging yet immensely rewarding exercise to learn and master. Delving into the intricacies of the Jacknife, we uncover its benefits and the specific muscles it targets.


Core Strength & Stability: The Jacknife primarily engages the powerhouse of the body, the core. By mastering this exercise, your clients can significantly boost their core strength, leading to better posture, balance, and overall body stability.

Flexibility: This exercise demands a high degree of flexibility, especially in the spine and Hamstrings. Regular practice not only improves this flexibility but also enhances the range of motion in related joints.

Enhanced Body Awareness: The precision required in the Jacknife helps heighten proprioception, making clients more attuned to their body’s movements and alignments.

Breath Control: Like many Pilates exercises, the Jacknife emphasises the synchronisation of movement with breath, fostering better lung capacity and breath control.


Rectus Abdominis: This front sheath of abdominal muscles is deeply activated, especially as the hips lift off the ground.

Obliques: These side abdominal muscles aid in stabilising the movement, ensuring the body doesn’t wobble side to side.

Hip Flexors (Illiacus and Psoas Major): These muscles play a crucial role as the legs are lifted and lowered in the Jacknife.

Spinal Extensors: Located along the back, these muscles support the spine as it articulates into the deep curve of the movement.


The Jacknife, with its blend of strength, flexibility, and precision, exemplifies the essence of Pilates. Its mastery offers a holistic workout experience, targeting multiple muscle groups while also honing in on breath and body awareness. Whether you’re an instructor seeking to share its benefits with your clients or a practitioner aiming to elevate your Pilates journey, the Jacknife is a movement worth mastering.

Check out the video below to see the Jacknife in action!

If the Jacknife has piqued your interest and you’re keen on expanding your repertoire of Pilates exercises, read more about the Studio Pilates Matwork Programming and Progressions Course.